Practical Carbine

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Practical Carbine

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Building upon Carbine Technique and Tactics curriculum. Students will now move into the real world of practical tactics when employing the carbine. This means no plate carriers or belt rigs. If you have these items they will be in a stowed place during the course and you will have to fight your way to them. This course was designed to better help you understand the dreadful what if moment where you dont have a PC on or belt rig, youre just sterile in your vehicle or walking around.  Varying shooting positions using vehicle and walls, use of cover (this is something you should be confident in), individual movement, and immediate effective reaction to threat stimuli are whats going to make this course bring the pressure f everyday practical life with a firearm.

Length: 6+ Hrs

Prerequisite - Carbine Level 1 course or equivalent

Core Topics:

  • Gear

  • Sling use

  • Long Gun Deployment and ready storage (home, auto, etc.)

  • Threat Discrimination and Positive Identification

  • Targeting (optimizing shot placement)

  • Suppressive effect (the myth and the reality)

  • Ballistic Penetration Considerations

  • use of vehicles for cover and concealment

  • linear evac whilst in traffic, parking lots

  • Crowds (Retention, spatial control, threat focus, loss of awareness)

  • Movement while indoors

  • Individual Immediate Action (IIR)

  • Weapon Mounted Light use (WML)

Gear list: Carbine or Rifle - Semi-automatic operation, Detachable Box or Magazine fed. Iron sights at a minimum (Red Dot sights are highly recommended), A “two point” or “one point” Sling, minimum of 5 Magazines for your Carbine, Hearing Protection (Electronic recommended), Eye Protection, Weapon Mounted Light (NOT required but recommended), & 600 rounds of ammunition.

Registration & Payment:  All Courses require pre-payment at the time of registration.  All courses have a limited amount of students and courses are filled on a first-come, first paid basis. If the course is cancelled by Bull Creek Strategic, Inc, we will contact you to see if you would desire a 100% refund of your payment or if you'd like to be moved to a different time/date , otherwise your payment is 100% non-refundable.